Continued Creative Development

Upon reflecting the feedback I received previously for my solo choreography, I decided to re-evaluate and review the intentions behind section 3. This was another section where the intentions were not necessarily portrayed clearly through the movement content, with the section meaning to represent the loss of identity of the psychopathic character. In place of this, I decided to change the theme of this section to spiralling out of control and into chaos, with which turns and the idea of the spiralling of the spine and the torso would help to present this to the audience if implemented into the choreography. I decided to take a motif from the very last section, as I subtly utilised the idea of spiralling to help create the final image of a manic and chaotic personality. Taking the motif, I started off by changing the directions to make it more indirect and off centre, to enhance the idea that the spiralling out of control is unpredictable and uncontrollable. One of the movements in the motif is a turn where the arms push out to the side. For the development, I embellished the pirouette by adding an extra movement beforehand, where I slash my back arm over my head which then turns me into the pirouette. I reversed the arm positions in the pirouette, where I snapped them into my torso abruptly to help create a sense of off balance, matching the uncontrollable spiral of chaos. In the process of developing this motif, I used retrograde to change the order of the movement material to add to the erratic concept. I also decided to do this so that when the motif repeats in the final section, there is a clearer sense of precision (through the direct and precise nature of the movement and space) to enhance how the character has become more dominant and crazed, exposing their true persona.

Original motif in last section (video demonstration) -
Developed motif for section 3 (video demonstration) -

I decided to use different devices and developments for this section (compared to the previous section) to help support the growing development of the character, with the idea that as the choreography unfolds, the audience are exposed to contrasting layers that unravel within the mind of a psychopath. The levels in the third section are constantly changing to help enhance the uncertain and out of control spiralling the character faces. The dynamics constantly contrast each other also, where one soft and placed action is suddenly cut short by a movement performed harshly to support the spiral of confusion and unravelling different emotions / layers that fuel the mind of a psychopath.

Completed section 3 link to help visualise these images I have outlined above - 


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