
In regards to the final performance of my choreographic solo, I believe the performance was successful and turned out exactly how I wanted it to. I think that my intentions were clear in the performance (alongside the movement material) particularly as I emphasised my use of expressionism to help demonstrate conflicting and contrasting emotions to portray the varying layers unravelling within the character created within the choreography. I felt confident that the performance produced my desired effects of demonstrating an in depth exploration into the mind and ways which a psychopathic person acts. Additionally, I believe that the emphasis of dynamic variation which I put into the performance really created two contrasting yet impacting atmospheres, something I desired to create and pull out of the performance. Overall, I am content and pleased with my final solo choreography performance.

The overall experience I have received for the solo choreographic module has been a journey, in which I believe I have developed my artistry as a dancer. I think this particularly as I have had to push my choreographic thinking in a more creative light in order to create material that represents a theme or idea as well as being innovative and intricate in order to enhance interest and engagement for the audience. The process has been challenging as I found it difficult to create movement that wasn’t just simplistic, predictable or repetitious, however I am grateful for this as I was forced to create movement that was symbolic and effective, enabling the choreography and performance to create more of a powerful impact. This proved to be important as I learned that choreography should be meaningful with each movement holding significance, something I have learnt from practitioner Akram Khan, as well as to create an impact for an audience so that it is innovative and engaging instead of dull. Lastly, I have found that utilising a stimulus to aid the overall theme and intentions of the piece to be important; I enjoyed researching ideas in depth as it expanded my creative thinking by enabling me to think of ideas to explore I perhaps normally wouldn’t furthermore.

As this module comes to an end, I hope to pursue more choreographic tasks inside and outside of class to keep developing my choreographic imaginativeness, as I have found that this creative task has advanced my originality and sense of individuality as a dancer and artist. 


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