Further Creative Development

At the very start of the creation and development of my solo, the initial message that I wanted to convey was the idea of disturbed yet juxtaposing personalities within the mind of a psychopath. I initially wanted the audience to feel put off and repelled by the character I have created in the choreography to show the manic traits I have discovered from researching psychopathic people. In my finished solo, I believe this has been achieved, however, I did have to alter and edit the intentions I wanted to convey to make it more apparent. Whilst the idea of portraying multiple personalities is still present, I took the idea of exploring the whole brain of a psychopathic person, which the choreography unfolds to reveal all the layers to the mind of someone (perhaps) mentally disturbed and the process they undergo to lure in innocent victims.

I had to make some adjustments to my choreography to show a clear distinction between contrasting personalities and personas a psychopath adopts. I made the beginning section a lot more elegant (dynamically) and more lyrical-like in the movement content to support what a psychopath emits to their victims to draw them in. A small detail I will be developing to achieve my desired objectives is my use of characterisation and performance; I want to demonstrate a sense of pain and suffering to evoke sympathy from the audience (for this start section only). This section changed significantly since the beginning of the process to more efficiently demonstrate the contradicting personality traits that a psychopath possesses.

Section 1 - https://youtu.be/WkSWrCuRKMY

The most challenging part of the process has been creating movement that represents pain and torment. I found it challenging to show this opposed to showing movement that represents softness and gentleness as the intention is to represent how they emit agony to draw in hopeless people. On the other hand, I found that representing different lenses and segments of the brain which reveals and unravels the true persona of a psychopath (and the layers to their mind also) has gone well and is clearly demonstrated in my movement material.


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