
Showing posts from December, 2021


In regards to the final performance of my choreographic solo, I believe the performance was successful and turned out exactly how I wanted it to. I think that my intentions were clear in the performance (alongside the movement material) particularly as I emphasised my use of expressionism to help demonstrate conflicting and contrasting emotions to portray the varying layers unravelling within the character created within the choreography. I felt confident that the performance produced my desired effects of demonstrating an in depth exploration into the mind and ways which a psychopathic person acts. Additionally, I believe that the emphasis of dynamic variation which I put into the performance really created two contrasting yet impacting atmospheres, something I desired to create and pull out of the performance. Overall, I am content and pleased with my final solo choreography performance. The overall experience I have received for the solo choreographic module has been a journey, in

Further Creative Development

At the very start of the creation and development of my solo, the initial message that I wanted to convey was the idea of disturbed yet juxtaposing personalities within the mind of a psychopath. I initially wanted the audience to feel put off and repelled by the character I have created in the choreography to show the manic traits I have discovered from researching psychopathic people. In my finished solo, I believe this has been achieved, however, I did have to alter and edit the intentions I wanted to convey to make it more apparent. Whilst the idea of portraying multiple personalities is still present, I took the idea of exploring the whole brain of a psychopathic person, which the choreography unfolds to reveal all the layers to the mind of someone (perhaps) mentally disturbed and the process they undergo to lure in innocent victims. I had to make some adjustments to my choreography to show a clear distinction between contrasting personalities and personas a psychopath adopts. I ma